Ielts exam #2

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 

هذة التدوينة المختصرة ستكون عن الجزء الثاني من إختبار الآيلتس .

بعد إختبار التحدث بيوم كان إختبار القسم الآخر من الآيلتس ،، وهو عبارة عن إختبار إستماع ، قراءة ، كتابة .

طبعا الإختبار كان في نفس المقر وبالنسبة للوقت فقد كان في تمام الساعة الثامنة صباحا وأرسلوا لي إيميل فيه جميع المعلومات اللازمة .

وهذه هي الأسئلة :


In this part , there are four sections with 40 questions , each section has 10 questions . The time for Ielts listening is 40 minutes . 30 minutes to answer questions and 10 minutes to transfer your answers to the paper sheet.

In my exam , the first and second sections were about accommodation .

The third section was about paintings in an ancient house .

The fourth section was about plants in New Zealand .


In reading , there were three passages with 40 questions . The time is one hour and there is no extra time to transfer your answers to the paper sheet .

In my exam , the first passage was about saving seeds and plants .
The second passage was about Food .
The third passage was about Fluoridation .


In writing, there are two tasks.

Task 1, you have to make a summary of a chart or graph of at least 150 words.

In my exam, I was given two maps about house estate and I had to explain the difference between them now and in the future.

Task 2, you will have a topic and you have to make a summary of 250 words.

In my exam, I was given this topic { some people believe that schools help children to become good citizens and hard workers rather than benefit them as individuals, to what extent do you agree or disagree? }

Notice, you will have only 1 hour for writing exam so it is recommended to spend 20 minutes on task 1 and 40 minutes on task 2.

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